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TheSynagi's App <3

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TheSynagi's App <3 Empty TheSynagi's App <3

Post  Synagi Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:09 am

Steam name: Darkvoid13

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24156854

Why you want to join:
I want to join because I've been looking for a relatively small, but active community. Also, you seem to have all the gamemodes I enjoy on the server currently Wink

*Your age: I'm currently 15, I'm 16 in one month.

Your Location: I currently live in Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom.

Who you were referred by(if any):
Well, I've known Cammy for a little, saw him playing here. If that counts. *cough*


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-01-08

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TheSynagi's App <3 Empty Re: TheSynagi's App <3

Post  nigger Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:25 am

YYAAAAAA played with you today!

TheSynagi's App <3 ChuckNorrisApproved
Welcome to the clan, you can add these tags to your name: |TCP| your name [Mbr] , if you want.
If you progress to Mod or higher you will be required to wear your tags.

For ranks and power distribution it is preferred you talk to Bob Dole, Leader.


Posts : 67
Join date : 2010-12-14
Age : 79
Location : nigger

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